Monday, February 09, 2009


Simcoe, a town of

Low budget tattoo parlours
High steeples and
elderly woman owning many
knick-knacks and several cats.
Of rusty basketball nets
hanging from neglected toolsheds.
Of tenagers pushing strollers
and children chasing rainbows.

Eminating from the whole solution
the reality of it all.

Droplets of sweat following
a dusk soccer match.
Second hand smoke rising
from a stoners roach.
Tears flowing in joy
after an altar call.

Half hearted thrills,
the ferris wheel
and the christmas lights.

Muscle burning drills,
the eastside hill
a class trip to backus mill.

The downtown endless drone
The grey cloudy sky,
The definite place called home.
yet soon time to bid goodbye.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Yes, and a place with people who love their children, and you, among them :)